Proform Ab Glider Sport Ab Machine

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About Proform Ab Glider Sport Ab Machine

If there is one thing most of us seek in one way or another is to be fit enough where we aren’t ashamed of our body, right?

To accomplish this it seems impossible at times but with ab machines it can be done.

The real question is if the proform ab glider sport ab machine and that’s what the best home gym equipment will reveal throughout this review.

You may recognize the brand for creating quality treadmills that are constantly being used and get good reviews.

Before anyone asks, this is a manual machine meaning its not electrical.

Before I tell you if this ab machine will have you losing fat, you should realize that you will need to be on a diet for any results.

With that being said lets actually get into this equipment.

What Is The Proform Ab Glider?

As I stated earlier, the proform ab glider is a manual ab machine that you use by placing your knees on the pad and grabbing the handles to highest point manageable for your height.

If you desire you can be even rotate your body to target your oblique’s. This is accomplished by the swivel track that it contains as it’s probably the best feature in my opinion.

As you can see it can be a little confusing to picture this by just reading my words so because of that I posted a video right under this paragraph.

Make sure to keep reading as I will inform you of the pros and cons you should be aware off.

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  • Helps you engage your mid section muscles on a high resistance exercise on this machine.
  • By targeting your entire mid section you don’t really need to do crunches or sit ups.
  • Using this ab machine will improve your mid section and ultimately help you with other exercises.
  • The swivel track helps you rotate your body resulting in working out your oblique’s.
  • Works wonders on your joints and bones, doesn’t feel like you’re going to end up injured at the end of each rep.
  • As you already know this ab machine was created by a reputable brand known as proform which assures you that you are not getting a low quality exercise equipment.
  • This is a manual machine, meaning you do all the work and you are not being assisted or cheating your way through the exercise.


  • The ab glider is not a foldable machine which results in taking a lot more space than it actually should.
  • People get confused but remember any ab exercise will strengthen your core not lose that belly fat, for losing fat you will need to incorporate a diet and preferably some cardio.
  • The structure of the ab glider is honestly not ideal as it might not support a person that might be of heavier weight.
  • One of the biggest downfall of this machine is the fact that you will get a workout more in your arms and you will feel extremely sore.
  • I feel this ab machine you cant just jump on it and DO IT. You are going to need some formal exercise foundation that you’ve accumulated. If not then you will experience some strains specially in your neck and back as there isn’t support for that.

What Are People Saying?

There are some bad reviews though that should not be overlooked.

Most of the complaints are on the structure of the equipment as its not a one size fits all.

You also will be working out your arms a lot which some people do not like. As far as that there isn’t much else wrong with it.

My Verdict

I must remind you this isn’t a beginner equipment as you will need some upper body strength to do this exercise.

If you are not a beginner and want an extra push to your workout then this is something you might want to take a look at.

If want an extra push to your workout then I would recommend this ab machine.

Feel free to leave your opinion on this ab machine or if its worked for you.

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